Quickly find and download images from web pages in bulk

You can filter the images based on image characteristics.
You can select which image to download or download all images that pass filtering.
You can choose a custom folder for the images and a custom file name sequence.

Main features:

  • Very quick and clean group display of all images.
  • Download a single, multiple or all images in the web page.
  • Filter images by: width, height, type, orientation and aspect ratio or URL.
  • Custom or auto generated folder and file names.
  • Auto convert files to JPEG, PNG or WebP.
  • Side panel support.

Available for: Chrome  Edge  Firefox


  • (All) extensions do not work on add-on download sites such as the Chrome Web Store and non-URL sites such as the first page when you open a new tab.
  • Usually, only images that are loaded prior to using the extension can be detected.
  • If a site uses a thumbnail, you are most likely not able to capture the larger image.
  • Some sites employ special techniques that prevent the detection and download of images.
  • Before using the Image Downloader extension, follow the instructions below to ensure that the browser settings won't interfere.

Check browser settings

On Chrome and Edge go to settings -> downloads, make sure that "Ask where to save each file before downloading" is turned off.

On Firefox go to settings -> general -> files and applications, make sure that "Always ask you where to save files" is unchecked.

Pin extension icon

In Chrome Press the puzzle icon next to the address bar. Then press the pin icon next to the extension name.
In Edge Press the puzzle icon next to the address bar. Then press the eye icon next to the extension name.
In Opera Press the cube icon next to the address bar. Then press the pin icon next to the extension name
In Firefox Press the puzzle icon next to the address bar. Then press the gear icon next to the extension name. Choose "Pin to Toolbar"

User guide

To use the Image Downloader, press the extension icon. This will open the popup window (or side panel - see the Display submenu section) and start scanning the web page for images. The popup menu is divided into 3 main parts: the main menu, the submenu and the results.

Use the menu buttons to change the submenu being displayed. Press the save icon in the submenu to save the settings of that submenu (only of that submenu).

You can select one or more images by clicking on them in the result part. Notice that large images have this "open in a new tab" icon. To download your selected images click the download selected images icon . To download all the images in the result part press the download all icon .

The last icon in the main menu opens a dropdown menu there you will find, among others, a link to this guide.

This submenu is opened by default, use it to filter images by pixel width and height. You can use the S M L A buttons to quickly set the filter settings to show Small, Medium, Large, or All images. Leave the max values empty if you don't want to set an upper limit.

Here you set the file extensions you want to filter.

You can use this submenu to filter images based on orientation by pressing one of the left buttons, or more specifically by width to height ratio by changing the sign and value in the input box. Leave the ratio empty to show all ratios (or just press the "All" button).

Image downloader lets you filter images based on partial URL matches. You can choose to include or exclude images that their URL matches the terms in this submenu. To disable this filter, leave the URL field empty, you can press the clean icon to delete the URLs. You can use multiple terms to match a URL by separating them with a semicolon without space. for example: wikipedia;google;pixabay.

Some sites have alternative versions of the image they display, usually it is the same image in different sizes. Here you can choose which version to capture. By default it is the largest version that passes your other filters. Other options include capturing the smallest one, all of them or all that have unique dimensions.

Here you can set the folders, file names, and auto-conversion of file formats.

All folders are saved in your downloads folder. By default each time you download an image the extension generates an increasing number as a folder name, made from the date and time. To set the folder manually change the radio button to the custom field. Leave it empty to save directly to your downloads folder or set a custom name, you can also set a sub folder.

Depending on your settings file names will be generated automatically or with a custom prefix name followed by an auto generated number. If you set the prefix to cat, then upon downloading 3 file, the names of the files will be: cat1, cat2, cat3.

To set the auto format converter, press the convert icon . In the pop-up window that opens, choose the file format to convert to. You can convert to JPEG, PNG, or WebP. For JPEG and WebP, you can also set the quality between 1 and 10, with 10 being the highest quality and 1 being the smallest file size. PNG is a lossless format, so the quality is always set to 10.

You can set here the following:
  •   Whether the extension opens in a popup or as a side panel (not available in Firefox). In side panel mode, the extension stays active even when switching tabs.
  •  The maximum width of the image in the result area (make it smaller to fit more images in the visible area at any given time).
  •   The theme.
  •  The user interface language.


Refresh the page, wait until the images are loaded on the page, then open the extension. If it still fails, it is possible your filter is set too strict or that the site employs techniques that prevent image detection. See if you can capture images on a different site.

This is probably due to a conflict with another later installed extension. try to disable and then enable the image downloader extension.

Follow the Check browser settings section instructions.

Browsers require users to explicitly allow extensions to work in private (incognito) mode. Here are Instructions on how to set the extension in private mode for: Chrome Edge Firefox

If you encounter an issue, you can always contact us for help.

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