- 非常快速和清晰的所有圖像分組顯示。
- 從網頁下載單個圖像、複數圖像或所有圖像。
- 按以下條件過濾圖像:寬度、高度、類型、方向和寬高比或URL。
- 自定義或自動生成的文件夾和文件名。
- 自動將文件轉換為JPEG、PNG或WebP。
- 支持側邊面板。
- (所有)擴充功能無法在像是 Chrome Web 商店這類插件下載站點以及沒有 URL 的站點(例如當你開啟新分頁時的首頁)上運作。
- 通常,只有在使用擴充功能之前已經加載的圖片才能被偵測到。
- 如果一個網站使用縮圖,您很可能無法捕捉到較大的圖片。
- 有些網站使用特殊技術來防止偵測和下載圖片。
- 在使用擴充功能之前,請按照下面的說明操作,確保瀏覽器的設定不會干擾。

在 Firefox 上,進入 設定 -> 一般 -> 檔案與應用程式,確保 "每次都問您要存到何處" 被 取消勾選。
在 中Chrome 點擊網址列旁的拼圖圖示。然後點擊擴充功能名稱旁的圖釘圖示。
在 中Edge 點擊網址列旁的拼圖圖示。然後點擊擴充功能名稱旁的眼睛圖示。
在 中Opera 點擊網址列旁的立方體圖示。然後點擊擴充功能名稱旁的圖釘圖示。
在 中Firefox 點擊網址列旁的拼圖圖示。然後點擊擴充功能名稱旁的齒輪圖示。選擇“固定到工具列”。
若要使用圖像下載器,請按擴充圖示。這將打開彈出視窗(或側面板 - 請參閱顯示子選單部分)並開始掃描網頁上的圖像。彈出式選單分為 3 個主要部分:主選單、子選單和結果。


您可以透過點擊結果部分來選擇一個或多個圖像。請注意,大圖像有 “在新分頁中開啟”圖示。若要下載您選擇的圖像,請按一下下載選定的圖像圖示
此子選單預設為打開,使用它來按像素寬度和高度過濾圖像。您可以使用 S M L A 按鈕快速設定濾鏡設定以顯示小 (S)、中 (M)、大 (L)、或所有影像 (A)。如果不想設定上限,請將最大值留空。類型子選單
您可以使用此子選單透過按左側按鈕依方向篩選圖片,或更具體地透過更改輸入框中的符號和值依寬高比篩選。留空比例以顯示所有比例(或直接按「全部」按鈕)。URL submenu
Image downloader lets you filter images based on partial URL matches. You can choose to include or exclude images that their URL matches the terms in this submenu. To disable this filter, leave the URL field empty, you can press the clean iconAdvanced submenu
Some sites have alternative versions of the image they display, usually it is the same image in different sizes. Here you can choose which version to capture. By default it is the largest version that passes your other filters. Other options include capturing the smallest one, all of them or all that have unique dimensions.
(Save config) submenu
Here you can set the folders, file names, and auto-conversion of file formats.All folders are saved in your downloads folder. By default each time you download an image the extension generates an increasing number as a folder name, made from the date and time. To set the folder manually change the radio button to the custom field. Leave it empty to save directly to your downloads folder or set a custom name, you can also set a sub folder.
Depending on your settings file names will be generated automatically or with a custom prefix name followed by an auto generated number. If you set the prefix to cat, then upon downloading 3 file, the names of the files will be: cat1, cat2, cat3.
To set the auto format converter, press the convert icon . In the pop-up window that opens, choose the file format to convert to. You can convert to JPEG, PNG, or WebP. For JPEG and WebP, you can also set the quality between 1 and 10, with 10 being the highest quality and 1 being the smallest file size. PNG is a lossless format, so the quality is always set to 10.
(Display) submenu
You can set here the following:Whether the extension opens in a popup or as a side panel (not available in Firefox). In side panel mode, the extension stays active even when switching tabs.
The maximum width of the image in the result area (make it smaller to fit more images in the visible area at any given time).
The theme.
The user interface language.
Extension failed to capture the images
Refresh the page, wait until the images are loaded on the page, then open the extension. If it still fails, it is possible your filter is set too strict or that the site employs techniques that prevent image detection. See if you can capture images on a different site.
Can't set the name prefix
This is probably due to a conflict with another later installed extension. try to disable and then enable the image downloader extension.

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